Extended Time on Assignments Accommodation
Some disabilities impact a student’s ability to complete assignments. For example, a student who is blind or has low vision or a specific learning disability that requires the use of screen reading technology to access written materials may take longer to complete certain assignments. In cases such as these, flexibility in assignment due dates may be considered an appropriate accommodation as it ensures that the student is not unfairly disadvantaged for having to use an alternate means to access written materials, which takes longer to complete their assignments. The accommodation is based on the functional limitations of the student’s disabling condition(s); therefore, heavy courseloads, employment, and family obligations are not considered when approving this accommodation. Furthermore, reasonable accommodations cannot fundamentally alter the academic integrity or objectives of a college course or program.
The student must request the accommodation through CDHP. All accommodation requests are considered on an individual basis.
The student must meet with CDHP’s Associate Director or Director who will determine based on the student’s disabling condition(s), self-report of functional limitations, and required documentation, whether Extended Time on Assignments is warranted as an approved accommodation including the types of assignments and environment.
CDHP’s Associate Director or Director will complete the types of assignments and environment sections of the Extended Assignments Deadlines Agreement. The agreement will then be sent to the student through DocuSign to complete the top portion, electronically sign, and date the agreement, The student must also check the box that they have read and agree to six stated responsibilities. CDHP staff will forward the agreement and faculty guidelines to the student’s designated instructors to complete. One completed all parties will receive a copy of the agreement.
The accommodation does not go into effect until the student and instructor have completed the Extended Assignment Deadlines Agreement, which is available through CDHP. The College has up to three business days to implement the accommodation. Each subsequent term the student must submit a new Extended Assignment Deadlines Agreement.
Students are responsible for meeting course requirements and completing assignments by the established deadlines listed on the Extended Assignment Deadlines Agreement. Reasonable accommodation allows for equal access but does not guarantee student success.
Students approved for Extended Time on Assignments as an accommodation are advised to review CDHP’s Extended Time on Assignments Procedure.