Registration Process
CDHP’s Registration Process
New students are strongly encouraged to begin the registration process upon acceptance to SWAGÊÓƵ. This will help to ensure that accommodations are in place at the start of the program; however, CDHP accepts requests at any time. All inquiries are confidential, and students are welcome to obtain general information without registering.
Step 1: Submit Application
Complete and submit the electronic Student Intake Form
Step 2: Submit Documentation
Email and attach a PDF version (no image files) of disability-related documentation to Please review Requirements for Disability Documentation. If you do not have current or complete documentation of a disability, CDHP can assist you with finding local providers.
Step 3: Schedule Introductory Meeting
Upon receipt of your Student Intake Form and documentation, CDHP will contact you by email within three (3) business days to schedule an appointment for an Introductory Meeting to discuss your access needs. The meeting can be held in person, by phone, or through Zoom. At this meeting, staff will engage you in the interactive process to discuss criteria for disability, your self-report of disability, functional limitation(s), known or anticipated barriers, and potential reasonable academic accommodations and/or adjustments. When necessary, staff may consult with your program to determine unique reasonable accommodations.
Step 4: Schedule Enrollment Meeting
Upon CDHP’s determination that you meet the criteria to be considered eligible for academic accommodations, you will be scheduled for an Enrollment Meeting, which will officially register you at CDHP. At this meeting, you will continue to engage in the interactive process, be assigned accommodations, and review procedures for accessing accommodations. After the meeting, you will be emailed any necessary paperwork through DocuSign.
Please note: Once approved for academic accommodations, CDHP will need to notify the college at least three (3) business days before the accommodations can be implemented. Some approved accommodations require additional time to put into place. CDHP will work with your program faculty to ensure accommodations are implemented as soon as possible.
Should difficulties arise in the administration of any accommodation, students should reach out to CDHP immediately. Students may request new or different accommodations at any time during their academic program. Some new requests may require new or updated documentation.
Contact CDHP
Address: 309 E. Second Street, Pomona, CA 91766, Building 390