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Alternate Candidate

Welcome Alternate Candidate!

You have been directed to this web page because of your selection as an alternate candidate.

Admission decisions are difficult as we interview more qualified candidates than can be accepted into our program each year. Please be assured that we are still very interested in the possibility of your matriculation into our program and hope that you will remain strongly committed to our program and keep us informed of that interest.

As an alternate candidate, you likely have many questions. We’ve included some frequently asked questions/answers below.

How many candidates are in the alternate pool?
The size of the pool varies year-to-year. We do not release exact numbers as they can vary day-to-day as some of those candidates accept offers elsewhere.

How are applicants ranked on the alternate list?
The alternate pool is not ranked; therefore there is no way of telling whether you might be the first or last to receive an offer should a seat become available.

How will applicants be selected from the alternate list should a seat become available?
Each time a seat becomes available; the Committee will review the alternate pool and select a candidate to fill that spot. Unfortunately, there is no way of telling your chances of being selected.

How will I be notified if I am selected for admission?
The Committee typically calls accepted candidates and then we follow up with a formal letter in the mail.

As an alternate, do I need to do anything between now and August to prepare for possible acceptance?
Since you could be offered a seat anytime between now and August, it is very important that you continue to work on any outstanding admissions requirements as these must be completed prior to matriculation if you are offered a seat. Please remember, each time the Admissions Committee reviews your application, they consider all in-progress/planned coursework (including both prerequisite and non-prerequisite courses) as well as any degree in progress when making their decision. Any change in your plans must be submitted to your Admissions Counselor for Committee review and approval. If you are ultimately accepted to the program and you do not finish your planned degree or coursework as listed on your application, your admission could be affected.

Is there anyway of increasing my chances of being selected from the alternate list?
At this point, you’ve likely done all you can do. However, please feel free to keep your application up-to-date in terms of new grades or new life/work experiences. This information should be sent to your Admissions Counselor

What documents will I need to submit if accepted to the program?
I recommend that you review the information on our Admitted Student Web Page so you can be prepared if you are offered admission, especially if you are accepted late in the cycle. Please review the pre-matriculation checklist and health clearance requirements. YOU DO NOT NEED TO PROVIDE US WITH ANY DOCUMENTATION AT THIS TIME.

If you have any questions regarding your alternate status, please feel free to contact your Admissions Counselor