University Loans
SWAGÊÓƵ Emergency Loan Programs
Limited funds made available on a short-term basis to meet financial emergencies. The maximum loan is $500 interest-free and, since this is a revolving loan fund, it is expected to be repaid in three months.
Roger E. Coe Loan Fund
Established in March 1981 by a gift from Roger M. and Ruby M. Coe. Two loans of $2500.00 are awarded in the spring of each year to Osteopathic medical students who have completed their second or third year at Western University and are particularly interested in osteopathic manipulative skills. Interest begins to accrue at the time the loan is disbursed at the rate of five percent. First payment begins immediately after graduation with full repayment of the loan funds within five years.
Loan Repayment Programs
- State Loan Repayment Program: Individual states have loan forgiveness or loan repayment plans for their residents. For more information, contact the Financial Aid Office or visit the Association of American Medical Colleges  Web site.
- Army National Guard: Several programs are offered which include educational assistance while in school and student loan repayment for those out of school. For more information, visit the  Web site.
- Army and Army Reserve: Student loan repayment programs are offered involving cancellation of a percentage of Stafford or NDSL/Perkins loans for every year of service. For more information, visit the  Web site.