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SWAGÊÓƵ / College of Health Sciences / Masters of Science in Health Sciences / Master of Science in Health Science Scholarships

Master of Science in Health Science Scholarships

SOPHE 21st Century Scholarships

Each year, SOPHE awards fifteen $500 21st Century Scholarships to help cover Annual Meeting or Health Education Advocacy Summit costs for deserving full-time undergraduate and graduate students who are local or national SOPHE members.

SOPHE Vivian Drenckhahn Student Scholarship

The Vivian Drenckhahn Student Scholarship is awarded annually to two deserving full-time graduate and undergraduate students who are national SOPHE members and who have excelled academically, demonstrated a commitment to addressing the public’s health through a career in health education, and who have demonstrated financial need. Students applying for this award must currently be enrolled as a full-time undergraduate or graduate student pursuing a health education degree (e.g., Health Education, Community Health Education, Public Health Education, School Health Education), and must have completed at least one-third of coursework required for their major.

SOPHE Graduate Student Research Paper

Each year, SOPHE recognizes one outstanding graduate student for creative and innovative research as illustrated by completion of a research paper. The recipient will be awarded $250 and complimentary registration at the 2014 SOPHE Annual Meeting, where he or she will be invited to give a conference presentation.


Western University of Health Sciences Joseph G. Adatto, D.O. Memorial Scholarship.

This award provides $400 in scholarship monies to a D.O. student or alum who wishes to pursue a MSHS degree in health professions education. Suitable candidates will demonstrate promise as a future health professions educator, as well as scholarship and commitment to the osteopathic principles of medicine.

This award was established in 2001 in memory of Dr. Adatto who served as a clinical preceptor, and Assistant Professor of Family Medicine in the College of Osteopathic Medicine.