Incident Reporting
Incidents (e.g., slip, trip, fall, theft, damage, blood borne pathogen exposures, chemical exposure or spill) resulting in personal injury or illness, and/or damage to university property shall be properly reported and investigated in a timely manner.
Incident Report
Staff and faculty who are assigned responsibility for an activity shall immediately investigate and report all occurrences (incidents, near miss, accidents, and illnesses).
It is the responsibility of all members of SWAGÊÓƵ to take appropriate action to help ensure a safe and healthy environment for event participants. In some cases, there may be state and/or federal rules and regulations that apply. In all cases, the responsible party for any event must promptly investigate and report all incidents causing injury/illness or property loss. Incident/accident investigation is a team effort, and will often involve personnel from Risk Management, Environmental Health & Safety, Campus Security, Facilities and Physical Plant, and other departments and individuals.