Faculty Awards
Faculty Awards
Provost’s Distinguished Scholar Award
Provost’s Distinguished Scholar Award recognizes exceptional scholarly and research accomplishments and achievements, contribution to the research mission of the university, and a commitment to high standards of professional life by a faculty member. Candidates are nominated by their college (one per college) and chosen by the University Faculty Affairs committee.
Previous Award Recipients
Vishwanath Venketaraman, PhD
Professor, College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific
Edward Wagner, PhD
Professor, College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific
Western University Distinguished Teacher Award
Western University’s Distinguished Teacher Award honors excellence in teaching, contribution to the educational mission of the university, demonstrated concern for students and their learning and a commitment to high standards of professional life by a faculty member. Candidates are nominated by their college (one per college) and chosen by the University Faculty Affairs committee.
PreviousÌýAward Recipients
Colleen Talbot, PhD
Professor, College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific-Northwest
Vishwanath Venketaraman, PhD
Professor, College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific
Janice Blumer, DO
Assistant Professor, College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific-Northwest
Provost’s Shared-Governance Travel Stipend Award
Shared-governance is the term that describes the procedures, and structures of organizational control, influence and decision-making processes that academic institutions develop to achieve an effective balance between the role of trustees and administration (legal authority) and the faculty (professional authority) and articulates the relationships between these authorities. A well-structured and efficiently-organized Academic/Faculty Senate, with clearly-designed standing committees are essential components of a sound system of academic governance and are essential for the effective representation of faculty in shared-governance. The Academic Senate serves as the vehicle for shared-governance.
The Provost’s Shared-Governance Travel Stipend Award is designed encourage faculty participation in the governance of the university, thereby not only promoting but also strengthening our systems and processes of shared-governance. An informed faculty, who understand the principles of faculty and shard-governance, are an empowered faculty and will serve as a strong foundation and a valuable partner for effective governance on our campus.
Ultimately, the primary objective of this travel stipend is to develop faculty members’ leadership capacities in the governance of the university through their involvement and seeking election to the Academic Senate or the standing committees of the faculty handbook. . At this institute, you will learn about topics such as shared-governance in academia; faculty advocacy through understanding and strengthening faculty handbooks; effective meetings and parliamentary procedure, how to increase faculty participation in academic decision-making, amongst others.
Previous Award Recipients
Edward Goering, DO, DVM, MSHPE
Assistant Professor, College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific-Northwest
Michelle Hovorka, M.S.
Instructor, College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific–Northwest