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SWAGÊÓƵ / COMP-Northwest (OR): Simulated Medicine and Readiness Training (SMaRT) Lab

COMP-Northwest (OR): Simulated Medicine and Readiness Training (SMaRT) Lab

Faculty and three students with patient mannequin.


Thanks to a generous donation from the Heatherington Foundation for Innovation in Education in Health Care, Western University of Health Sciences – Oregon and the College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific Northwest launched a highly advanced, contemporary clinical skills lab, Simulated Medicine and Readiness Training Lab (SMaRT), during the 2023-24 academic year. The innovative learning space provides SWAGÊÓƵ students with high quality medical simulation experiences.

The SMaRT Lab includes:
  • Surgery/Operating Room (OR)
  • Labor/Delivery Room (OB)
  • Emergency Department Room (ED)
  • Skills Lab – multipurpose space for skill trainings, debriefs, group work
  • Standardized Hospital Patient Rooms
  • Patient Simulators (6) – SimMan 3G Plus, Pediatric HAL S2225, Super TORY® S2220, TOMManikin (TCCC), Trauma HAL® S3040, VICTORIA® S2200
Student with standardized patient and

Standarized Patients

Another benefit for SWAGÊÓƵ students is the opportunity to train with Standardized Patients (SP). SPs are independent specialists trained to simulate accurately and consistently the medical condition of an actual patient. SPs prepare extensively to give feedback to trainees on communication and interpersonal skills, and in many cases, to complete scoring checklists. SPs teach students about communication, empathy, spontaneous communications, cultural competency, and religious and diversity issues. The use of SPs is a proven method for helping the medical student gain skills in interpersonal interactions, communication, interviewing, counseling, assessment, physical exam and patient management.
Simulator Mannequin

SimMan 3G PLUS Patient Simulator

SWAGÊÓƵ students will have the opportunity to train on Laerdal’s SimMan 3G PLUS, one of the most advanced emergency care patient simulators in the world. SimMan is designed to simulate complex medical cases that help prepare learners for real-world situations. SimMan is capable of teaching over 150 skills. Operators control vitals, communication, and functions remotely to allow students to practice and refine proficiency in an encounter based learning environment. All aspects of medical training can be practiced – acute, critical, trauma, behavioral, pharmacology. SimMan patient features includes a portfolio of medical cases: patient voice, airway, breathing, cardiac, circulation, vascular, CPR, eyes, seizure, bleeding, secretions, and catheterization.
patient simulator with baby and doctors

VICTORIA® S2200 Patient Simulator

VICTORIA® S2200 is the world’s most lifelike childbirth simulator. SWAGÊÓƵ students will work with their colleagues to deliver a baby. VICTORIA is designed to deliver exceptional training through a truly immersive experience.

From early pregnancy complications, high-risk deliveries, and postpartum emergencies to non-gravid scenarios for general nursing care, VICTORIA simulates a full range of obstetrical events to facilitate teamwork and deepen critical thinking skills in learners of all levels. More than a childbirth simulator, VICTORIA is a complete simulation solution developed from decades of obstetrical experience. It is a comprehensive package of tools and support designed to help improve patient safety in women’s health through education and training.
  • Pediatric Hal ® S2225

    SWAGÊÓƵ students who focus on health care for infants, children and adolescents, will train on the world’s most advanced pediatric patient simulator and the first capable of simulating lifelike emotions through dynamic facial expressions, movement, and speech – Pediatric HAL S2225 (AKA Isaac). This experience is designed to help SWAGÊÓƵ students develop the specialized skills needed to effectively communicate with, diagnose, and treat young patients throughout the continuum of care, including pre-hospital, transport, emergency, nursing, and intensive care settings.

    • Lifelike facial expressions, emotions, and speech; Isaac talks and cries when something hurts
    • Real patient monitoring equipment and mechanical ventilators
    • Emergency procedures including surgical airway, needle decompression, and chest tube thoracostomy
    • Wireless and tetherless: fully operational in transit facilitates in-situ simulation including patient transport and handoff exercises
    • 10 Simulation Learning Experiences designed to replicate an assortment of clinical situations throughout the spectrum of pediatric care
  • TORY® S2220 – Newborn Simulator

    As SWAGÊÓƵ students deliver a baby from VICTORIA, they will then have the opportunity to embrace and care for Super TORY S2220®. TORY is the first newborn simulator developed to meet the challenges of neonatal care specialist training in real environments. Active movement, true ventilator support and real patient monitoring. TORY will simulate complex pathologies and respond to interventions with unparalleled realism offering true-to-life physical and physiological attributes for every stage in neonatal care, whether training in a simulation center, in situ, or in transit.

  • TOMManikin (TCCC)

    TOM provides the ability to care from point of injury to transfer of higher care. It allows you to build multiple PR Scenarios and create realistic Full Mission Profile with reactive patients. TOM is designed for both classroom settings, trauma lanes and field training scenarios. Multiple appendages present a variety of wounds including GSW, blast and burns to provide full mission profiles in combat scenarios.

  • Trauma HAL® S3040

    Trauma HAL is specifically engineered to meet the training need of first responders, EMS, and in-hospital emergency teams. Trauma HAL helps teams engage in true-to-life training exercises to improve emergency preparedness, response, and patient care. Featuring anatomically accurate landmarks and proportions, learners are able to utilize native equipment including ECG Monitors, BP Cuff, and defibrillators.

  • Task Trainers

    SWAGÊÓƵ students have access to some of the most diverse specialized simulators. Task Trainers provide our students the opportunity to become adept at specific skills and to develop good procedural techniques. SWAGÊÓƵ provides the following specialized simulators:

    • Airway Management
    • Bleeding Control
    • Catheterization
    • Central Line
    • Intravenous Legs/Arms
    • Knee Aspiration and Injection
    • Kytoto Kagaku Eye Exam Simulator
    • Lumbar Puncture
    • Paracentesis
    • Thoracentesis
    • Venipuncture Arm
  • book on table

    Medical Simulation Labs California & Oregon

    SWAGÊÓƵ provides medical students the opportunity to train in state-of-the-art medical simulation labs.

    California – the Sarkaria Family Patient Suite.
    Oregon – the Simulated Medicine and Readiness Training Lab (SMaRT).